
Sunday, March 01, 2015

Is there a God?

It's bed time, Krithik & Mounish requested me to say them a story. All these days I was telling them stories from Mahabharata, Spider-Man, Iron man, Sharks..etc. but today I decided to ask them a basic question and get their views.

I asked them Is there a God? If yes, have you seen/ felt God?

Mounish is 4 years & 4 months old, he answered, YES, there is God and he has seen God. I got curious to know where he has seen God.

He added that "God is up there"

I laughed and said Up there is only ceiling fan.

He said God is very much up there.

I laughed again and asked have you seen him up there?

Immediately he changed his answer with a thought saying God is in his heart and the lup dup lup dup sound which he hears/feels from his heart is the God.

I was impressed and told yes, you are right God is within you and withing everyone of us.

My journey to seek answer for many answered questions is still on and really get pleased when tiny little creatures surprise me with their cute little creative answers.. practicing to love my heart.. which has many resentments, un forgiveness, ..etc.,


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